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Producer - Bizz


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In every musician, artist, producer, songwriter, engineer, dancer ( fill in the blank) origin story, you will find at least one memory that sticks out, where the music spoke to them in a language your average listener wouldn’t understand.  For David, also known as Bizz, watching Michael and Janet Jackson’s music and performance videos at a young and impressionable age was where he first was able to interpret that language. “I would watch the VCR tapes in my little green-Fisher Price chair until they popped, prompting my family to invest in another” says the producer.  In addition, his mother would tell him that public outings meant prime opportunity to showcase his ability to dance.  Garnering the attention and comments such as “he’s so cute,” from the passerby. 


Enamored by the Hip-hop and R&B of the 90’s/early 2000’s, and the R&B/Soul of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, Bizz began taking music seriously in his freshman year of high school.  Writing raps, performing around the city of Boston and producing in FL studio.  With 18 years of experience under his belt, the Boston native continues to hone his craft; producing, songwriting, leading with heart and passion, all the while, celebrating the uniqueness of the artist and collaborators he’s blessed to work with. 

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